three pillars

iSTEM Pillars/Habits

Our programs foster STEM learning based on the following three habits, what we call our three pillars; 1) Personal Agency, 2) Collaboration and Communication, 3) STEM/Growth Mindset. Teaching, encouraging and evaluating these habits defines the culture at iSTEM. We not only educate future scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and IT professionals, we produce future leaders and innovators. iSTEM pillars prepare students to face the future with the needed skills to be trailblazers and innovators, leading us to a bright future.

three pillars graphic
  • three pillars graphic

    iSTEM Pillars/Habits

    Our programs foster STEM learning based on the following three habits, what we call our three pillars; 1) Personal Agency, 2) Collaboration and Communication, 3) STEM/Growth Mindset. Teaching, encouraging and evaluating these habits defines the culture at iSTEM. We not only educate future scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and IT professionals, we produce future leaders and innovators. iSTEM pillars prepare students to face the future with the needed skills to be trailblazers and innovators, leading us to a bright future.

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