iSTEM will embark on the journey of creating their Strategic Plan to carry them through 2026. The Impact Group, a local marketing firm with years of experience in leading non-profit organizations through the Strategic Planning process will facilitate the focus group discussions. Engaging students, staff, parents/families, and community/business partners, the result will be a thorough plan focused on growth areas that will lead iSTEM to become the premier STEM school in the area.
Are you interested in being part of one of our focus groups? Multiple sessions are scheduled for Thursday, November 30th. Please feel free to attend one or the other focus groups, based on your schedule. If you have questions, please feel free to contact our school office at 440-898-3283.
2:30 -3:30 p.m. iSTEM Parents/Families
5:00-6:00 p.m. ISTEM Community/Business Partners