College Exploration & Planning

For every student planning to attend four year college after high school, there are three question that should be driving decision making. Can I get in? Will I fit in? Can I afford it? There are many resources available to help students and their families answer these questions and all of the other questions that go along with choosing a college.
Since 2020, iSTEM has been using a college and career exploration platform called Scoir. It is an extremely student centered tool for college exploration that is accessible on the web and via their app. Every iSTEM student and parent can login to this platform to explore colleges, begin curating a list of potential colleges and ultimately serves as the portal for communication with iSTEM during application season. For information about how to access your Scoir account, contact Miss Golden at
Students and parents are encouraged to download Scoir's app. It has all of the functionality of the desktop version right in the palm of your hand.
College Planning Checklists
Junior Parent College Application Presentation
More College Planning Resources
iSTEM partners with LEAF, a local non profit with a mission to improve career and college access to students by providing excellent career and college advisory programming. This includes presentations to students and parents on topics from college admissions, financial aid and post-secondary options that don't require a 4 year degree. In addition, our LEAF advisor, Mrs. Corbett, is available to provide 1:1 assistance to students and their families.

College Fairs
College fairs are a great way to learn a little bit about a lot of different colleges in a short amount of time. They are offered in person on a limited basis as well as online. You can learn about upcoming virtual college fairs at the National Association of College Admissions Counselors website.
College Admissions Testing
For many years, a critical component of the college application was a student's score on one of the two college admissions test, ACT or SAT. Covid-19 disruptions to college admissions testing have led many, if not most, colleges moving temporarily towards a test optional admissions framework through the Fall 2022 admissions cycle. Some colleges are considering making those changes permanent. For more information about which schools are test optional and what it will mean for the upcoming application season, head to FairTest: The National Center for Fair and Open Testing
iSTEM will continue giving the ACT college admissions test in compliance with the Ohio requirement that all 11th grade students take a college admissions test. This will occur in the spring of junior year. STUDENTS DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER FOR THIS TEST AND THERE IS NO COST. Students who wish to retest, can register for that with ACT.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
2024-25 Scholarship List
This part of the website is still under construction. Thank you for your patience!
Career Exploration & Planning

Apprenticeship Info
Auburn Career Center provides pathways directly into the workforce as well as to post-secondary education. Watch their video to learn more.
This page will be updated periodically as information becomes available. Thank you!