What is iSTEM?

iSTEM is a small, intellectually vibrant Ohio public high school that opened its doors in the fall of 2015. It is one of only seven public high schools in the state that have been designated as STEM school by the Ohio Department of Education and also has an independent governing board. The student body hails from 13 different school districts across 3 counties. iSTEM is a college prep program that regularly provides cross-curricular, project based learning opportunities for students. iSTEM fosters STEM habits built on the pillars of STEM Mindset, Collaboration and Communication and Personal Agency. Teaching, encouraging and evaluating these habits defines the culture at iSTEM

Academic Options at iSTEM

General Course Information

Common Academic Pathways at iSTEM

iSTEM Roundtables

Information Coming Soon . . .

iSTEM Senior Exploration Experience

Graduation Requirements

To earn a regular diploma, students must complete at least 25 credits, demonstrate competency (score at least 684) on the Algebra 1 and ELA 2 end of course exams, and demonstrate readiness for college and/or career by meeting the requirements for two diploma seals. Most iSTEM students will earn the Science and Citizenship Seals by scoring proficient or better on the Biology, American History and American Government end of course exams. You can learn more about diploma seals here: Ohio Diploma Seals. The competency and readiness requirements are the same for all Ohio diplomas. The number and type of credits required vary by diploma type. Find specific information requirements for the regular diploma as well as the different honors diplomas offered below.



State CCP

College Credit Plus Overview

College Credit Plus (CCP) is Ohio’s dual enrollment program that provides students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to enhance students’ career readiness and postsecondary success, while providing a wide variety of options to college-ready students, at no or limited costs to students and families. 

At iSTEM students take advantage of CCP in different ways.

  • earn an Associate Degree

  • earn credits to transfer to 4 year college

  • earn an industry credential

  • personal exploration to increase awareness of college opportunities and expectations

While most of our students take CCP classes at Lakeland Community College, students can participate in CCP at any of the nearby public community colleges and universities as well as some of the private institutions.

Becoming a CCP Student

The general steps to becoming a CCP student are similar for all colleges.

  1. Participate in a CCP Information session

  2. Submit a CCP Letter of Intent (due April 1st), CCP Home/School Agreement and CCP Transcript Request documents.

  3. Apply to the college

  4. Sign CCP Transcript Release and have transcript sent to college

  5. Provide evidence of college readiness - varies from school to school but is usually based on a placement test and/or high school GPA

Students who are accepted to the college will receive further instructions from the college about selecting and registering classes.

Returning CCP Students

The general steps for continuing as a CCP student are similar for all colleges.

  1. Review CCP guidelines outlined in this presentation: CCP Information Night

  2. Submit a CCP Letter of Intent by April 1st

  3. Submit a CCP Home/School Agreement Form

  4. Complete the course registration process for the college or colleges where you will be taking classes by the college deadline.

It is the student's responsibility to make sure that the high school counselor is informed of the courses that they have registered for.

Ohio Transfer 36 provides guaranteed transfer credit between public community colleges and universities in Ohio. Learn more by following the link provided. Our CCP partners will have information about which of their courses are part of the OT 36 program.

iSTEM's most frequent CCP Partners

Lakeland Community College


Kent State Geauga


Cleveland State University
